# Setup Here we will go over creating a new Spotify application, getting the ClientID and secret, and running the program with them. (spotify-application)= ## Creating a Spotify Application Navigate to [www.developer.spotify.com/dashboard/](https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/). Sign in and accept the terms of service if necessary. ```{image} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847957606567378984/874006629547405332/spotify-application-create.png :alt: spotify-application-create :width: 750px :align: center ``` Click on the green "Create An App" button. Add anything you want as the app name and app description. ```{image} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847957606567378984/873999420646125618/spotify-application-edit.png :alt: spotify-application-edit :height: 400px :align: center ``` Click on the green "Edit Settings" button. ```{image} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847957606567378984/874006940664102922/spotify-application-edit2.png :alt: spotify-application-edit2 :height: 400px :align: center ``` Set the "Redirect URI" section to [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/). Save the settings. ```{image} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847957606567378984/873990653862903818/spotify-application-info.png :alt: spotify-application-info :width: 750px :align: center ``` Note down your Client ID and Client Secret somewhere. ```{admonition} Warning: :class: warning Be careful with your Client Secret. It's called a secret for a reason. ``` ## Running The Program Open the folder where you saved SpotiByeAds. Double-click on main.py (on Debian/Ubuntu, you'll need to open the folder in terminal and run `python3 main.py`). ```{image} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847957606567378984/873998825822486538/spotibyeads-info-prompt.png :alt: spotify-application-info-prompt :width: 750px :align: center ``` Enter information as prompted. You may choose to save your information for a future session if you want to. ```{image} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847957606567378984/874008393604546681/spotify-application-agree2.png :alt: spotify-application-agree2 :height: 400px :align: center ``` Press the green agree button. ```{image} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847957606567378984/874001761193574440/spotify-application-success.png :alt: spotify-application-success :width: 750px :align: center ``` If all goes well, you should see a window like this. Close the window and check the program. It should say `Awesome, that's all I needed. I'm watching for ads now <.<`. If so, then congratulations! You can go without those pesky ads.